what would happen if a haploid cell attempted to perform meiosis

Meiosis and Mitosis are the types of cell sectionalisation. Exercise you lot know what type of cell division takes place in our germ cells? Is it mitosis or Meiosis? Humans take \(46\) chromosomes in each cell. How this number is maintained in every private. Is it getting doubled, tripled….? Both mitosis and Meiosis take place later on the interphase but are they similar or unlike.  In this article, permit'south empathise everything about Meiosis.

Jail cell Cycle

Cell bicycle refers to the series of events that repeat several times and includes Dna synthesis or duplication, cell growth and cell division.

  1. Jail cell wheel in eukaryotes is divided into following phases:
    a. Interphase– This phase includes:
    (i) G1 phase
    (two) G0 phase
    (iii) S phase
    (iv) G2 phase
    b. 'M' stage– This phase includes both mitosis and meiosis. M phase is the dividing phase of the prison cell cycle.
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Meiosis Definition

Meiosis involves cell partitioning which results in the formation of four daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes compared to the unmarried parent cell. Meiosis is likewise called REDUCTIONAL DIVISION.

Why practice we need four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes?

In sexual reproduction, two cells fuse which could brand the zygote with a doubled chromosome number. In order to maintain the chromosome number in species, it is necessary that two fusing cells contain half the number of chromosomes, i.e. \(23\) chromosomes and not \(46\). So, to maintain the chromosome number in the zygote the chromosome number in the fusing cells needs to exist halved. As two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell sectionalization are involved in meiosis, it gives us four-girl cells with one-half the number of chromosomes.
Since chromosome number gets halved, information technology is also called reductional division.
1. Meiosis is a procedure that gives ascension to a haploid prison cell from a diploid i.
two. Haploid prison cell is the one that has a single fix of chromosomes. While diploid cells have a double ready of chromosomes.
3. Body cells are examples of diploid cells.
4. Reproductive cells are examples of haploid cells.
5. Meiosis is discovered past Van Benden.
6. The Meiosis term is coined by Farmer and Moore.
7. Cells in which meiosis occurs are called meiocytes.
8. Information technology occurs in higher organisms.

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Meiosis Stages

In meiosis ii divisions take identify which results in the germination of iv haploid daughter cells. The ii stages of meiosis are-

  1. Meiosis I- Homologous pairs of chromosomes carve up during meiosis I.

2. Meiosis Two- Sister chromatids are formed due to replication in 'S' phase are separated during Meiosis-II.

Meiosis Diagram

Figure showing stages of meiosis.

Meiosis I

When a cell undergoes meiosis I, information technology has already undergone Interphase, where Dna replication and centriole duplication has taken place. Meiosis I is divided into the post-obit stages:-

i. Prophase I
2. Metaphase I
3. Anaphase I
4. Telophase I

Prophase I is farther divided into the following stages:

a. Leptotene- 'Leptos' means thin, and 'tene' means thread.
1. In this phase, a thin thread of chromatin fibre appears.
2. Here the nuclear membrane remains intact. Centriole remains at one pole.
three. Chromatin fibres start to condense. But information technology occurs at intervals which results in a beaded structure.
4. Thread remains attached to the nuclear membrane from their one end so this stage appears like a bouquet and is and then-called a bouquet phase.
v. Other bleary structures also remain intact.

Figure showing different stages of Prophase I

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b. Zygotene

  1. Nuclear membrane however intact.
  2. Pairing of homologous chromosomes takes place and this pairing is called synapsis.
  3. Further condensation also takes identify.
  4. Paired chromosomes are called dyad. These chromatids undergo vertical splitting and course tetrad.
  5. To hold this pair together, a synaptonemal circuitous is formed.
  6. Sis chromatids refer to the artillery of ane chromosome whereas non-sister chromatids refer to the arms of 2 homologous chromosomes.
  7. Crossing over takes place between non-sister chromatids which do not take identify at this stage but two non-sister chromatids have started to come closer but have non touched each other.

Fig:- Homologous chromosomes

c. Pachytene

  1. Nuclear membranes remain intact. Centrioles are withal in the same position.
  2. Crossing Over non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes takes place.
  3. Crossing results in the formation of Chiasma.
  4. Recombinase enzymes are responsible for the exchange of genetic textile chosen recombination. This results in variation.

d. Diplotene-

  1. Everything is still intact. Like nuclear membrane, etc.
  2. The not-sister chromatids still remain fastened only the synaptonemal circuitous disintegrates.
  3. Separation of homologous chromosomes is called disjunction.
  4. Terminalisation starts. This helps in separation of not-sis chromatids like a attachment.

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e. Diakinesis

  1. Nuclear membrane disappears.
  2. All changes that take place in the prophase of meiosis will have place at this stage.
  3.  Centrioles move apart.
  4. Spindle fibres get visible which attaches to the chromosome.
  5.  All membranes disappear and disassociate.
  6. Chromosomes with exchanged genetic material are visible.

Metaphase I

Homologous chromosomes align themselves along the equator. This alignment occurs randomly and this is called contained assortment. This results in genetic diversity.

Anaphase I

  1. I chromosome of the homologous pair gets separated from each other and is retracted towards the pole as spindle fibre retracts.
  2. This helps in equal sectionalization of DNA between two cells.

Telophase I

  1. Nuclear membrane reappears.
  2. Spindle fibres atomize.
  3. Telophase is followed by cytokinesis to class two daughter cells.


Cytoplasm gets divided into two parts by the procedure of cytokinesis. It results in the germination of ii daughter cells with a haploid gear up of chromosomes.

Fig: Meiosis I

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Meiosis II

Meiosis II includes the following stages:

Prophase II
During this stage, the nuclear membrane disintegrates and centrioles movement apart from each other to the opposite poles. This happens in each of the haploid daughter cells resulting from meiosis I.
Metaphase II
Sister chromatids are lined by the spindle fibres on the equator to class a metaphase plate.
Anaphase Two
When spindle fibres retract, sister chromatids separate and move towards reverse poles.
Telophase II
This is the concluding phase of meiosis II and at that place is a breakup of spindle fibres and reformation of the nuclear membrane around each nucleus resulting in four haploid daughter cells followed past cytokinesis.

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Meiosis results in the formation of four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes. This process takes place in gametes formation which are involved in sexual reproduction in college organisms.


Q.one. What is mitosis and meiosis?
Ans: Mitosis refers to the cell sectionalisation which results in equational division and takes place in lower organisms. Meiosis refers to cell sectionalisation which results in reductional division and takes place in college organisms.

Q.2. Explain why meiosis and gametogenesis are always interlinked?
Ans: Gametogenesis refers to the formation of gametes and meiosis results in the germination of iv haploid cells by reductional division. Gametes are formed past this meiosis process.

Q.3. Genetic recombination occurs in which phase of meiosis \(1\) ?
Ans: Genetic recombination occurs in the pachytene phase of prophase I of meiosis I.

Q.iv. What is the significance of meiosis?
Meiosis is a reductional sectionalization and helps in the product of haploid gametes in higher organisms which later fertilization course zygote.

Q.5 What is meiosis and its role?
Ans: Meiosis is the type of cell division that takes place after the interphase in college organisms. It is also chosen reductional division. It helps in the formation of haploid cells like germ cells which fuse to form a zygote.

Q.vi. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Basis of Classification Mitosis Meiosis
Type of division Equational division Reductional division
Girl cells Two girl cells are formed. Four girl cells are formed.
Crossing Over No crossing over Crossing over takes place.
Examples Takes place in somatic cells. Takes place in germs cells.

We hope this commodity on Meiosis helps you in your report. Driblet-in your queries in the comments section below and nosotros will get back to you lot at the primeval.



Source: https://www.embibe.com/exams/meiosis/

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