What to Put in a Cold Roast Beef Sandwich

Looking for roast beef sandwich ideas? My tailgate cold roast beefiness sandwich with horseradish cheese is a 2-handed, eyes-rolling-back-in-your-head mouthful that is perfect for tailgating, picnics and parties. The best roast beef sandwich starts with the bread (a soft, sturdy homemade boule) thinly sliced roast beef and a savory horseradish cheese spread, plus your favorite veggies.

making horseradish cheese

Make The Horseradish Cheese

Let'due south start with the horseradish cheese. When I think of cream cheese, my heed automatically drifts to bagels… never sandwiches, nevertheless, that'due south a mistake because cream cheese is a bare canvass that you can transform with the right mix-ins.  Dissimilar a piece of swiss, the cream cheese practically melts on your tongue. It flavors the sandwich in a way that a slice of common cold cheese tin can't — and with these simple mix ins, this horseradish cheese spread is a real eye opener.  Combine cream cheese, worcestershire sauce and chives into a piquant flavored cream cheese that melds beautifully with the cold roast beef.

perfect bread for the best roast beef sandwich.

Best Bread for Tailgate Sandwiches:

For tailgate sandwiches, I prefer to use a circular boule-style bread.  I that'south soft, but sturdy.  A bread that tin handle big sandwich fillings and travel fourth dimension in a cooler. Round baker bread is a practiced option if you don't have time to make your own, but my favorite bread for this cold roast beef sandwich is this Amish breadstuff.  The dazzler of this Amish bread is the texture — solid just with a soft, squishable nibble which hands handles all the fillings in this tailgate sandwich.

building cold roast beef sandwiches.

Liberally spread both sides of the staff of life with the horseradish cheese, so superlative information technology with peppery arugula, thinly sliced roast beef (I used leftover meat from my homemade roast beef recipe) red onion and the ripest tomatoes that you can find.

pressing best roast beef sandwich under a cast iron skillet.

If you lot're eating the cold roast beef sandwich immediately, just cutting it into wedges and serve, simply if this tailgate sandwich is traveling to a game, printing it betwixt two apartment surfaces, weighed downwards by a heavy pot or cast iron skillet (in a higher place) for 30 minutes to an 60 minutes then wrap it tightly with plastic wrap and foil.  This will ensure that the sandwich stays together without leaks, drips or tears. When you arrive at your venue, utilize a long, sharp bread knife and slice information technology into pie-shaped wedges to serve. (Note: If you also take the boosted stride of weighting down the sandwich, the compression will meaty the bread and filling into  tight layers, that tin can be held with i hand — making it an platonic walking-around tailgate sandwich.)

slicing cold roast beef sandwich into wedges.

Emily's comment when she first tried this common cold roast beef sandwich was," Oh My God!!! This is the best roast beefiness sandwich I've ever had!" Information technology's large, it'southward meaty and the horseradish cheese gives it a tangy, creamy finish.  No sooner did we take our concluding bite before Em was requesting we make information technology again for game 24-hour interval munching…  who was I to fence…

a slice of cold roast beef sandwich with horseradish cheese

Nosotros made this behemoth three days afterwards and since Scott had been out of town when we made information technology the showtime time, he got outset tastes and proclaimed information technology "blog-worthy".

make cold roast beef sandwich with horseradish cheese for your next tailgate sandwich.

The combination of homemade bread, thinly sliced roast beef and that tangy horseradish cheese that melts in your mouth are the things that tailgating dreams are made of.

eating a wedge of cold roast beef sandwich with horseradish cheese.

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Cold Roast Beefiness Sandwich with Horseradish Cheese

With a luscious horseradish cream cheese spread and loaded with hand-sliced roast beef, piled with ripe tomatoes, fiery arugula and red onion, this is no ordinary roast beef sandwich

Class Main Course

Cuisine American

Keyword roast beef, sandwich, tailgate

Prep Time 15 minutes

Total Fourth dimension 15 minutes

Servings 8


  • eight ounces cream cheese
  • 3 tablespoons prepared horseradish
  • ii teaspoons worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


  • 1 loaf round Amish Bread (or other bakery boule)
  • 1 1/2 pounds leftover center of round roast sliced sparse
  • two large beefsteak tomatoes sliced thin
  • 3 cups arugula
  • 1/2 cup red onion sliced thin
  • horseradish chive cream cheese spread (recipe in a higher place)


  • In a small basin, combine the foam cheese, horseradish, worcestershire sauce, chives, kosher salt and pepper.  Apply the back of a fork to mash the ingredients together into a creamy paste. Ready aside.


  • Piece the boule in into two halves (top and bottom).  Split up the cream cheese spread evenly over both halves.

  • Add the arugula to the bottom half of the staff of life and top with roast beef, onions and tomatoes.

  • Place the height one-half of the bread on the sandwich.  Use a very precipitous knife to slice the sandwich into 8 wedges and serve.


  • Assemble the sandwich and wrap information technology tightly in foil. Place a flat cutting lath (or other flat surface) on top of the sandwich and weight it downwards with a cast atomic number 26 pan or other heavy object to press the sandwich together. Let the sandwich rest with the weight on it for 20-30 minutes.

  • Pack the well wrapped (and flattened) sandwich in a libation.  When y'all're set up to serve, use a very sharp knife to cut the sandwich into viii wedges.  Serve.

Calories: 107 kcal | Carbohydrates: 3 chiliad | Protein: 2 thou | Fatty: 9 g | Saturated Fat: five g | Cholesterol: 31 mg | Sodium: 277 mg | Potassium: 107 mg | Sugar: 2 g | Vitamin A: 575 IU | Vitamin C: 3.7 mg | Calcium: 47 mg | Fe: 0.iii mg

Pivot The All-time Roast Beef Sandwich" For Afterwards!

The ultimate tailgate sandwich is this cold roast beef sandwich with horseradish cheese. Make in advance, travels well - it's the best roast beef sandwich. #roastbeefsandwich #coldroastbeefsandwich #tailgatesandwich #horseradishcheese #horseradishcheesespread #flavoredcreamcheese #savorycreamcheese #bestroastbeefsandwich #tailgateroastbeefsandwich #tailgatefood #tailgatingfood #makeaheadsandwich #picnicsandwich #picnicfood

More Tailgate Sandwiches:


Source: https://www.garlicandzest.com/cold-roast-beef-sandwich-horseradish-cheese/

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